So Much Modem Madness
So Much Modem Madness (Power User Software) (1993).ISO
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File List
278 lines
1000_QM.ZIP 2,719 06-06-93 Customized Telix script for automatic
up/downloading of .QWK and .REP mail packets
via the Qmail mail door on 1000 BBS. It will
will logon and then take you into the Qmail
door, upload your .REP reply file and then
delete it, and/or then "cycle" to the next
command prompt and download your QWK packet
file. Only 2 entries required.
315MOUSE.ZIP 2,052 04-03-91 Telix 3.15 logitech mouse menu.
ABHOST11.ZIP 15,111 05-25-92 Better Host 1.1: host program for Telix.
ALLSCRIP.ZIP 4,894 06-07-93 ALL.SLT v2.2; Designed to help you to log on
to any BBS. This script will not handle
CompuServe. It only handles QuickBBS, OPUS,
TBBS, GT-Power, PCBoard, MiniBBS
AP121.ZIP 96,593 11-24-91 Autopuma - Telix script to add Bimodem,
MPt/Puma, HS-Link, and DSZ/GSZ/SZmodem as
auto-download protocols. Shows BBS name on
status line, other minor features. Includes
scripts for Bimodem, MPt, HS/Link and GSZ
uploads and downloads.
AUTOD101.ZIP 3,521 07-09-91 AutoDownload Telix Script for CRS v1.01; This
SALT Script file continuously redials CRS
until a connection is established. It then
opens the file "FILES.DL" (which should
contain a list of files to be downloaded),
logs into the IBM conference, and Batch
Downloads the files listed using ZModem.
AUTODL33.ZIP 12,310 06-10-93 AUTODL v3.3; Telix v3.1x+ scripts for
protocol initiated transfers. Adds the
capability of auto-starting MPt, DSZ, TXZM,
SZMODEM, GIFLINK, HS/Link and Hydracomm
transfers to Telix 3.1x without having to
configure the protocol yourself. You just
tell AUTODL where your protocols are located,
the rest is AUTOmatic!
AUTONAN.ZIP 3,790 09-12-91 Telix SALT to automate mail transfers for
PCBoard. This is a small but free subset of
the features found in ACCESS/Liberator.
CPD110.ZIP 6,034 02-23-91 CPDownload v1.10; Allows you to have an
auto-download capibility (such as the one
Telix provides for Zmodem), for any external
protocol which supports AutoDL that you have
installed in Telix.
CSP101.ZIP 24,994 04-15-91 CSP (CS Preprocessor) uses the Microsoft C or
QuickC compiler as a Telix SALT preprocessor,
giving the SALT compiler conditional compile,
include file, and macro capabilities.
CSS11.ZIP 31,782 04-07-91 SIMPLE Salt Language for those who have had
problems with Telix SALT scripting language.
CSSPCB.ZIP 0,994 02-01-91 PCBOARD.SIM; This is a sample SIMPLE script
for logging on to a PCBoard based system. The
logon questions are handled in any order, and
optional prompts are ok.
DGU12.ZIP 11,757 07-09-93 Telix script. Filetaging from disc and BBS.
Loggin support etc.
DUATSCR.ZIP 1,988 12-19-91 DUAT SCRIPT; This script will call the DUAT
toll-free number and get the weather products
you specify.
DWNTRKR4.ZIP 97,011 11-19-91 The Download/Upload Tracker; Create a
database list of downloads and uploads by BBS
name with Date and Time from the Usage Logs
of Telemate, Telix, or Qmodem.
ESPTLXSC.ZIP 1,502 11-13-91 This Telix script makes logging-on to ESPBBS
systems automatic.
EXHOST17.ZIP 169,243 09-04-91 Executive Host v1.7 small home/office BBS for
FETCH10.ZIP 15,078 07-30-91 NON-TSR Telix util to tag files for download.
FLAGIT1.ZIP 2,207 06-12-91 FlagIt v1.0; make down loading files from a
pcboard faster.
FLT.ZIP 7,765 09-30-92 FON-file Lookup for TELIX. This is a program
that quickly searches your TELIX dialing
directory and spits out selected phone
numbers. Lets you look up a number quickly,
without calling up TELIX. Freeware.
GENIESCR.ZIP 0,697 08-04-91 This is a sample script for logging on to
H44FIX.ZIP 6,803 04-10-91 Fix Host44 to run in Telix
HOST503.ZIP 247,505 06-01-92 Host v.5.0: host/bbs system for Telix.
HP100B1.ZIP 109,897 03-01-91 Host+Plus 1.00 (Beta) is an enchanced Host
Mode for Telix 3.12 which is more advanced
than others, such as HOST44. It has a message
base and multiple file sections, among others
HS_TLX32.ZIP 1,924 08-25-93 Install HS/Link in TELIX 3.21
LSTCNV10.ZIP 193,469 07-18-91 Convert: A program to convert 99% of all BBS
listings to Telix and Telemate.
MAX_302D.ZIP 86,172 09-13-91 MAX!BBS v3.02d; Telix BBS Package
MAX_SCPT.ZIP 2,668 09-25-93 Telix script file for Maximus boards. It will
logon and then take you into the off- line
reader section, Upload your .REP reply file
and then delete it, Download your new .QWK
packet file and then return Telix to manual
operation. Only name and .REP file
location/name entries for this script are
required. Instructions are in this file.
MDMCFG22.ZIP 20,146 12-05-91 MODEMCFG.EXE program 2.02, a setup program
for Telix version 3.xx. (2.00) Fixes problems
with very fast or very slow systems, speech
synthesis for the blind, problems with 38,400
modems, and the writing of incorrect comm
ports to the Telix.CNF file. Much more
stable. Fixed last vestiges of timing
problems with '486 systems. <Major> update!
re- wrote comm routines, and cut memory usage
by 2/3's. (2.01) Fixed scrolling bug. Allows
MPTTELIX.ZIP 2,022 04-20-91 Lets Telix run mpt transfer protocol.
MPT_SLT.ZIP 2,134 07-05-91 Couple of Telix SALT files, The first script
MPT-SEND.SLT is for uploading files to a
board. The second script MPT-REC.SLT is for
downloading files from a board.
OT_COLOR.ZIP 8,461 08-03-91 Ogle's Telix Colorizer V1.0; an overlay for
the file TELIX.KEY which allows a Telix user
to enter ANSI color messages and some ASCII
Graphics while online to a BBS
PEPTOL15.ZIP 31,566 03-26-91 Pep Tools: gives Telix new features.
PICKUP13.ZIP 16,753 02-14-93 Pick-up 1.3 a script shell for Telix.
POSTD13.ZIP 4,853 03-11-93 POSTSCRIPT Ver. 1.3 Telix Script for handling
RIME message transfers through POSTDOOR. This
script file system has been written
specifically to be used with ACCESS mail
automation (or QMM) but I suppose it can be
called by any automator under TELIX. Contains
bug fixes and now deletes UPLOAD packets
after a succesful mail upload. FREEWARE
RECORD20.ZIP 10,072 07-25-93 TELIX - auto salt script writer, vers 2.0.
RELAY_MZ.ZIP 9,046 05-19-91 Telix script modified for ProDoor Prompts &
Modem Zone Language Prompt
SLRN_200.ZIP 46,002 09-21-92 SLEARN (SALT Learn Utility) v2.00. Automatic
script writer for Telix users. Automate
logons, complete sessions, even up- and
downloads (with registration). New version
adds easier configuration, better support for
non-standard serial ports, better ANSI
emulation. A MUST!
SORTTLX.ZIP 37,930 01-31-92 Move directory listing from one line to
another without having to re-enter the
listing. Beta ver. For Telix 3.xx only.
SPHM10.ZIP 206,438 01-05-92 SALT Programming HyperText Manual v1.0
context-sensitive help & tutorial for Telix
v3.15 SALT scripts.
STEAL100.ZIP 6,213 06-19-92 Telix 3.15 SALT script; Dump Telix screen to
ANSI file with colors intact. Very handy for
sysops. Free for non-commercial use.
SZ_TELIX.ZIP 2,042 02-12-91 To install Super Zmodem in Telix, comes with
Super Zmodem configuration
T320INC.ZIP 1,027 12-13-92 Get rid of nag Screens At The Opening And
Closing Of The Telix V3.20 Program. It Also
Removes A Beg Telephone Number Displayed
After Reading The Telix Configuration File.
T321U1.ZIP 236,463 02-05-93 Telix Communications v3.21, *update* Fast,
powerful, and easy to use. 12 file transfer
protocols, 200 + modem setups, terminal
emulation, dialing directory, 2 powerful
script languages, scroll-back and BBS HOST
mode, keyboard macros, new development team,
many more new features. Maintenance release,
containts only the files that have changed
since v. 3.20.
T321U2.ZIP 199,644 02-05-93 Telix Communications v3.21, *update* Host+
BBS Host mode, BBS Installation
TELIXBAT.ZIP 0,905 09-01-91 BAT files and install for GSZ in Telix
TELIXCNF.ZIP 28,219 03-05-92 Telix .MDM modem definition file for Zoom v32
modem and others
TELIXDV.ZIP 1,535 03-01-91 Hints on running Telix in Desqview.
TELIXRMC.ZIP 34,241 04-24-92 Add sound to the opening screen of telix
TELIX_4.ZIP 1,545 02-13-92 Information direct from Exis Inc. regarding
the recent "appearance" of a version of Telix
calling itself v. 4.25. This file contains
the truth about the current versions of
Telix. Please distribute this file as widely
as possible. Exis Inc.
TFE_221.ZIP 74,038 04-29-91 Telix fon editer v2.21, now updated for PCP
TFIG312E.ZIP 136,798 03-15-91 Telix off-line tutorial. v3/91.
THELP.ZIP 7,517 05-03-91 Telix scripts show how to call your own for
CIS included.
TIMESET2.ZIP 2,945 04-09-93 Telix SLT utility used to synch your PC's
clock w/ that of the US Naval Observatory in
Washington. Original version required
operator intervention - this version can be
run as an unattended event. Works like a
champ! Requires TELIX.
TLX-SBK.ZIP 1,773 02-07-93 Color Scrollback for Telix!
TLX3-WIN.ZIP 3,603 03-23-92 Settings suggestions for the operation of
Telix v. 3.15 under Windows 3.1, including a
default recommended TELIX.PIF file, direct
from Exis Inc. A 16550 UART chip is highly
recommended for reliable Windows operation.
TLXBIN.ZIP 8,639 05-16-93 TLX-BIN v1.00; Screen Capture Program Written
For Use With TELIX v3.21. Non TSR.
Automatically Names Files. Writes Files In
(4000 Byte) BINARY Format.
TLXDIAL2.ZIP 14,773 11-20-92 Dial - command line dialer for TELIX. Needs
Telix 3.15 or compatible dialing directory.
TLXDIR01.ZIP 15,379 05-27-92 Telix pop up dir for up-download directories.
TLXDLAXS.ZIP 4,412 01-29-92 Two SALT scripts for fast batch downloading
TLXDSZ21.ZIP 3,145 02-07-91 Auto download using external dsz Script v2.1.
TLXFON_F.ZIP 6,759 07-25-91 TelixFON vF; Script for Telix
TLXJWPC5.ZIP 19,325 10-11-91 Useful Telix 3.xx scripts.
TLXMSE.ZIP 2,089 02-03-91 The best Logitech mouse menu for TELIX
TLXSPEED.ZIP 8,516 07-26-91 Telix optimized init strings for speedmodems.
TLXSQR15.ZIP 179,318 02-08-91 Telix SQUARE v1.5: scripts and utilities for
Telix BBSing.
TLXSTUFF.ZIP 33,301 02-15-93 Very useful stuff for Telix 3.15. 02/15/93.
TLXTFIG4.ZIP 269,616 10-30-91 Telix manual/tutor on line & interactive.
Great team effort
TLXTW109.ZIP 95,764 06-01-93 Telix Scripts for Tradewars 2002; Powerful
SALT scripts that help players perform
repetitive tasks fast, efficient and
effortlessly. Paired port trading scripts
haggle prices to build experience fast. 5 xp
steal/sell cycle! Corporation bust control
support. Upgraded density scanner shows
adjacent ports/busts.
TLXUTL10.ZIP 24,130 01-25-91 A collection of Telix utilities.
TLXZMN11.ZIP 18,884 06-26-92 Update to TLXZMENU.ZIP adds mouse control to
TELIX. Best mouse menu for Telix.
TLX_PCB1.ZIP 3,922 04-08-93 Telix pcboard script to create/update a 'log
on' file, and a 'new files' listing.
TLX_SQ21.ZIP 232,380 04-19-92 Telix_Square 2.1ß: automatic BBSing. This
script/program makes bbsing easier. Tailor-
made for PCBoard and MBBS systems. Telix Salt
scripts are supplied with full source.
TMUSIC10.ZIP 9,558 06-01-92 FutureFeature for Telix: Music Module
Provides an ANSI music capability for Telix,
as to enable Telix to interpet codes and play
music in DOORs, etc. FT-Music is a Telix SALT
TM_301.ZIP 33,386 10-16-92 Telix fon directory sort & move Utility
TOES114G.ZIP 56,062 05-21-91 Telix script for Opus cards using Silver
Express Mail doors.
TOMCHT25.ZIP 16,819 11-14-91 TomChat v2.5; Fully configurable Telix
chatmode that lets you use all Telix
functions while in chat, scroll back thru
your recent lines and recall them, make
macros much more easily, without going to a
special screen.
TSTLX11.ZIP 18,951 12-28-92 A collection of Telix scripts & utilities
from Prof. Timo Salmi, University of Vaasa,
TX321FIX.ZIP 58,067 10-13-93 Patch file for REGISTERED versions of Telix
to correct undocumented dependencies in the
16550 UART. In some cases, the 16550 FIFO
would not be turned off when exiting Telix,
causing problems in other software, such as
Prodigy or certain fax software. This patch
is direct from the Telix authors, but won't
work on the unregistered versions of Telix.
TXMDM205.ZIP 13,309 02-26-92 TELIX.MDM (2.05) file for MODEMCFG.EXE (2.02)
setup program for Telix version 3.xx. 2.03
adds: Zoom v.32 (fix 2.05), ViVa v.32 (fix
2.04), v.32 Incomm. Fixes: Forval (2.03),
Microcom v.32 (2.03), and ViVa 24m (2.03).
This fix is already contained in TLX315-2.ZIP
on the Exis BBS, but may not be in the .ZIP
files on other systems. Ask your sysop to
obtain current files from 416-439-9399 HST/DS
TXMDM221.ZIP 24,731 02-05-93 Telix modem setup v. 2.21. 02/05/93.
TXSWP121.ZIP 25,686 05-19-91 TxSwp; The Telix Application Swapper
UKBBTELB.ZIP 25,162 01-01-91 List of United Kingdom BBS's in Telix format.
USATLX01.ZIP 2,683 06-24-91 Telix Script file for reading USATODAY door.
Will automatically read and capture all 19
files from the USATODAY door
USCRIPT.ZIP 3,207 02-20-93 Universal script file for Telix.
USRLST13.ZIP 16,081 07-10-91 USERLIST v1.3; Written for Executive Host (c)
to list your registered users in both ASCII
and ANSI bulletins.
VSTR10.ZIP 2,183 09-10-91 Telix script that logs you onto CIS, then
VESTORE, grabs stock info and then logs you
off. Time saving script.
XH100B.ZIP 95,052 07-03-93 Xhost v1.0; Host Mode for Telix
XHOST30S.ZIP 185,444 10-14-93 Run a full featured BBS with this TELIX
script. Supports 10000 users, 100 Doors and
1000 conferences. Registered version supports
user designed ANSI and ASCII screens and
menus. Mail doors are available.